New Blog Announcement: Booklights


I am happy to announce the launch of a new children's book blog from PBS Parents, Booklights. Pam Coughlan (MotherReader), Susan Kusel (Wizards Wireless), and I (Jen Robinson) will be working with Gina Montefusco from PBS, along with various guest contributors, to bring literacy and reading content to the PBS Parents audience. The goal of Booklights, in line with the goals that Susan, Pam, and I have for our personal blogs, is to help people to inspire a love of reading in children. (Well, Susan and I have that stated goal – click here to see Pam's more entertaining response.)

Currently we're in "soft launch" mode, which means that PBS won't be announcing the blog anywhere until next week. But we wanted to let you, our Cybils blog-reading friends, know about it now. We have some early introductory posts and lists of favorite picture books now available. And I suspect that a list of Cybils winners would make a good post sometime soon, don't you?

Anyway, I hope that you'll check out the new blog, and that you'll consider adding it to your regular blog reading. Thanks!  

— Jen Robinson, Cybils Literacy Evangelist