The Raucous Royals by Carlyn Beccia

You might not know Jill Tullo by name, but her blog is sure to ring a bell if you've cruised around the kidlitosphere–The Well-Read Child is her forum for getting kids to read, from little ones to young adults: "I feature book reviews, reading tips, and learning activities you can use to help instill the joy of reading in your child." Her inclusion of links, resources and other info in each book review makes her blog a great reference.

As part of a recent installment of Nonfiction Monday, Jill reviewed The Raucous Royals: Test your Royal Wits: Crack Codes, Solve Mysteries, and Deduce Which Royal Rumors are True by Carlyn Beccia. This nominee for Middle Grade/Young Adult Non-Fiction makes those stories about old dead guys (and gals) a bit more fun and enticing by examining some of the popular rumors about royal figures throughout history, like whether Anne Boleyn had six fingers:

Carlyn Beccia made smart choices about which information to present, creating a book that makes history fun and appealing and that I believe will have kids interested in learning more.

Read the full review here.