2021 Panelists and Judges: Poetry

Cybils Awards

Round 1 
Carol Grannick
Carol’s Facebook 
Twitter: @carolcgrannick
Instagram: @carolcovengrannick

Nicole Hewitt
Feed Your Fiction Addiction 
Twitter: @NicoleMHewitt
Instagram: @NicoleFictionAddiction

Rae Longest
Powerful Women Readers 

Margaret Simon
Reflections on the Teche 
Twitter: @MargaretGSimon
Instagram: @margaretsmn

Anastasia Suen
#Kidlit Book of the Day 
Twitter: @AnastasiaSuen

Round 2
Linda Baie
Twitter: @LBaie
Instagram: @lbaie

Alex Baugh
Randomly Reading 
Twitter: @randomlyreading
Instagram: @randomlyreading

Jone MacCulloch
Jone MacCulloch
Twitter: @JoneMac53
Instagram: @ joenrushmacculloch

Christy Mihaly
Twitter: @CMwriter4kids
Instagram: @christymihaly

Sylvia Vardell
Poetry for Childrens
Twitter: @SylviaVardell
Instagram: @sylviavardell