Category Description: Audiobooks

The world of audiobooks is a rich landscape full of amazing productions with rich narrations, beautiful sound effects, and the ability to bring a book to life without ever having to see the words. Whether it is a single narrator, a duo, or an ensemble, an audiobook has the ability to sweep readers away on a magical ride. As listeners, we can use them as a means to make a car trip go smoother, as a means to help reluctant readers get hooked into a book, or as that final goodnight story– there are many ways to incorporate audiobooks into your daily life. From the first ones on vinyl, to cassette tapes and CDs, audiobooks have become even more readily available more so than ever through downloadable formats. Audiobooks are most likely at your local library, whether they are downloaded onto a smart
device or checked out on a CD format.

With CYBILS combination of excellent writing and kid appeal—these are applied here in the audiobook category as well. The audiobook must have appeal for its audience and the production quality should be outstanding.

With this being CYBILS’ first foray into audiobook realm, here is what we are looking for in a nomination:


  • While we know audiobooks appeal to all ages, this first year we are narrowing our range. The audiobook must be produced with a MIDDLE GRADE AUDIENCE in mind. Therefore, the book is intended for a middle grade audience too. For all intents and purposes, we are looking for something that begins no younger than fourth grade and goes up to an eighth grade audience.

Publication Date:

  • The Publication Date is based on the AUDIOBOOK—not the physical book. At times, they are released simultaneous, but other times the audiobook comes out afterward.
  • An audiobook released as a downloadable book for the first time, but previously released on CDs, is not eligible (unless the audiobook has been completely redone).

Additional Criteria:

  • Downloadable only audiobooks are eligible, if a review copy is provided for all judges/panelists in both rounds.
  • For those audiobooks being redone, the narrators must be different than the first time through.

Thank you for joining us on this foray. We look forward to seeing and listening to all the amazing nominations that are sure to submitted!

—Stephanie Charlefour